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Interwoven Dimensions

A dynamic interplay of mediums that forms the core of an engaging artistic dialogue.
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On display in Tao

A Mélange of the Best of Indian Contemporary Art

Paintings, Sculptures and Art Installations by established and emerging artists
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Hidden Gems

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Anju Chaudhari & Jaideep Merotra

This show brings together Anju Chaudhari and Jaideep Mehrotra, as they settle into the seniority of their practise, bringing out technique and wisdom in their art. The artists live and work out of different cities, Chaudhari in Paris and Mehrotra in Mumbai, yet they deal with the same idea of multiculturalism and the interwoven nature of human experience. Both artists use self-made techniques in their process of creation, Chaudhari making her own paper through found materials and Jaideep creating a new type of metallic paint in his experimentations with mixed media. There is asteady rootedness to the approach, a nod to culture and heritage and history, which makes the art feel interminable, eternal. While Chaudhari is fascinated with the convergence of cultures she has personally lived through in her life with influences of her Bengali homeland merging with her adopted city, Mehrotra is passionate about the larger collective imprints of human history seen through the art of map-making and the science of navigation.

Fundamentally however, there is a shared philosophy that celebrates human stories and our connection to place and identity.

Sanjana Shah

Tao Online
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